Confidentiality and Data Protection
- To treat all information acquired through employment,
both formally and informally, in strict confidence.
- To be aware of the school's responsibilities under the
Data Protection Act 1984 for the security, accuracy and
relevance of personal data held on such systems and
ensure that all processes comply with this.
To contribute as an effective and
collaborative member of the School team
- Any other duties as reasonably required by any SLT of
the school.
- Participating in the ongoing development,
implementation and monitoring of the school plans.
- Attend regular meetings as required and make a
positive contribution during meetings.
Child Protection
- Attend regular meetings as required and make a
positive contribution during meetings
- To be alert to issues of child protection ensuring that the
welfare and safety of children attending Parkwood Hall
Co-operative Academy is promoted and safeguarded
and to report any child protection concerns to the
designated Safeguarding Lead using safeguarding
policies, procedures and practice
- Prevent, identify and minimise risk of interpersonal
abuse or violence, safeguarding children and other
vulnerable people, initiating the management of cases
involving actual or potential abuse or violence where
- Be aware of and update colleagues, as appropriate to
comply with current legislation and policies affecting
practice, e.g. Children’s Act, National Service
Frameworks, Child Protection Procedures, Health and
Safety and Data Protection.
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each
individual task undertaken may not be identified.
The school will endeavour to make any necessary reasonable adjustments to the job and the working
environment to enable access to employment opportunities for disabled job applicants or continued
employment for any employee who develops a disabling condition.
This job description is current at the date below but will be reviewed on an annual basis and, following
consultation with you, may be changed to reflect or anticipate changes in the job requirements which are
commensurate with the job title and grade.